The Government’s Phone, Text, and Email Spying, Explained

Can the police track my internet activity when I'm using Jul 25, 2009 NSA scandal: what data is being monitored and how does it Jun 07, 2013 Parents divided on monitoring their kids' Internet use Jun 19, 2013

Technically, it's probably the NSA that monitors all your internet activity, not the FBI. The FBI monitor you if you're a suspect or get a warrant to tap your internet connection, but the NSA watches everything all the time.

Jul 25, 2009 NSA scandal: what data is being monitored and how does it

How can I monitor my child's internet activity

Is it ever OK for government to monitor us? Your Say Apr 09, 2015 What Can My Employer Track | Illegal Employee Monitoring If you use a web-based email account, like Gmail, on a work computer during business hours for personal email, and you have signed approval for your employer to monitor your computer usage, then anything that you write on a web-based email account can be monitored, even if the email is for personal use. Snowden's documents and information also revealed that the NSA had secretly broken into the communications links between data centers across the world, allowing it to download data on internet communication — more than 180 million records in one month alone — and store it at the agency's headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland [source: Gelman and Soltani]. OpenVPN's TLS use also depends heavily on the implementation at hand, although 2048-bit RSA still is considered "out of reach" for the big guys. Having said that, the other things that a government can do: The government agency that monitors Internet communications knows you are using a VPN.