Jan 10, 2017 · LinuxConfig is looking for a technical writer(s) geared towards GNU/Linux and FLOSS technologies. Your articles will feature various GNU/Linux configuration tutorials and FLOSS technologies used in combination with GNU/Linux operating system.

Feb 06, 2011 · Debian 6.0 introduces a dependency based boot system, making system start-up faster and more robust due to parallel execution of boot scripts and correct dependency tracking between them. Upgrades to Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 from the previous release, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (codenamed “Lenny”), are automatically handled by the apt-get package Apr 11, 2016 · Each time I install Debian Jessie or Debian 8 I notice that I can not install any software packages afterwards. I'm not sure if it is me, or the installation media, but the sources.list is missing entries. Recently I tried installing xrdp, which allows Windows OS machines to RDP into Linux OS machines. Commands such… debian_sources.list # Craigevil's Giant Debian /etc/apt/sources.list Updated October 24, 2012. Added siduction XFCE 4.10 repo # This list is for Debian if you are using Ubuntu do not use this list. # If you notice any repos not working please let me know in irc in #smxi on irc.oftc.net Noob here. What is the official site to get sources.list for new versions of debian?

So i tested the installer of PlexGuide. fresh install of debian 9.6.0 netISO . some problemes with the sources.list. root@debian:~# sudo apt update -y

Nov 05, 2016 · Default Debian Jessie 8 Repositories (sources.list) Posted on November 5, 2016 at 1:14 am. Default content of /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 8: Re: "sources.list" para Debian 6.0 Squeeze que funcione. From: "listascorreo@msjs.co" Prev by Date: Re: volti debian testing; Next by Date: Re: "sources.list" para Debian 6.0 Squeeze que funcione. Previous by thread: Re: [OT] Correos mal dirigidos y respuestas generadas en la lista

SOURCES.LIST.D¶ The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for the regular sources.list file. File names need to end with .list and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters.

Nov 05, 2016 · Default Debian Jessie 8 Repositories (sources.list) Posted on November 5, 2016 at 1:14 am. Default content of /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian 8: Re: "sources.list" para Debian 6.0 Squeeze que funcione. From: "listascorreo@msjs.co" Prev by Date: Re: volti debian testing; Next by Date: Re: "sources.list" para Debian 6.0 Squeeze que funcione. Previous by thread: Re: [OT] Correos mal dirigidos y respuestas generadas en la lista In this article, I will show you how to add a package repository on Debian. I will use Debian 9 Stretch for the demonstration. Adding a Package Repository Manually on Debian. The package repository information is stored on the /etc/apt/sources.list file. You may edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file directly to add a new package repository. Jun 24, 2004 · Need Recommendation for Debian Etch sources.list ( /etc/apt/sources.list ) forgox: Debian: 6: 05-05-2007 01:57 PM: apt sources.list: TranceDude: Linux - Software: 11: 08-13-2005 01:22 PM: apt-get update errors since Debian released ( bad /etc/apt/sources.list ?) forgox: Debian: 10: 06-13-2005 12:28 PM: apt-get sources.list: utw-mephisto: Debian Add this to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing to enable the Debian Testing This requires only that your sources.list contain the deb-src repository to pull the Jul 17, 2019 · The file /etc/apt/sources.list in Debian contains the list of the ‘sources’ from which the packages can be obtained. sources.list file can vary depending on various factors (from which medium the Debian was installed, was it updated from previous release, etc…) This is the list we want on our system: SOURCES.LIST.D¶ The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for the regular sources.list file. File names need to end with .list and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters.