Why the US government Spies on its own Citizens | OilPrice.com

The government just admitted it will use smart home Feb 09, 2016 List of American spies - Wikipedia This is a list of spies who engaged in direct espionage. It includes Americans spying against their own country and people spying on behalf of the United States.

TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: What's stopping the American government from recording your phone calls, reading your emails and monitoring your location? Very little, says surveillance and cybersecurity counsel Jennifer Granick. The government collects all kinds of information about you easily, cheaply and without a warrant -- and if you've ever participated in a protest or attended a gun

Ten ways Americans have lost their freedom | Salon.com

Mar 18, 2018

May 23, 2013 The most notorious spies in history - CBS News The annals of espionage are ripe with the exploits of notorious spies, some more familiar than others. Convicted American spy Jonathan Pollard, 61, was released from a North Carolina federal Top Ten Ways NSA Spies on You » AllTopTens.com Tracking Surveillance Data. And one of the most advanced ways NSA used to spy was by collecting …