In this paper, we propose an effective verification of cloud data integrity scheme, EoCo, based on BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signature with strong privacy protection. Besides efficient remote data integrity verification, our scheme also supports public auditability, privacy protection, blockless verification, and …

2020-1-1 · Chen, Jing; Yuan, Quan; Du, Ruiying; Wu, Jie MuCAR: A Greedy Multi-flow-based Coding-Aware Routing in Wireless Networks Inproceedings 2015 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), pp. 310–318, 2015. Evidential quality preserving of electronic record in Furthermore, Shen et al. proposed an efficient public auditing protocol with global and sampling blockless verification, as well as batch auditing. A Novel Security Scheme for Body Area Generic Dynamic Data Outsourcing Framework for Integrity Moreover, for blockless verification efficiency, a homomorphic verifiable tag scheme is also needed. We investigate the requirements and conditions these building blocks should satisfy, using which one may easily check the applicability of a given building block for dynamic data outsourcing.

In existing DPDP schemes, homomorphic MAC or signature is applied to achieve blockless verification in the course of integrity checking, whereas in the course of update verification, the verification protocol has to be performed for every single block update. In this paper, we develop a batch-update verifiable DPDP mode that verifies a batch of

P 3DP: privacy preserving provable data possession In order to support data dynamics and blockless verification efficiently, we design an authenticated 2-3 tree with ordered leaves. Definition 4. An authenticated 2-3 tree with ordered leaves (A2-3OL tree) is a 2-3 tree with the difference that its leaves store the cryptographic hash values of file blocks, e.g. SHA-1 in practice (see Fig. 2 ).

Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Key Exposure …

2020-4-19 · privacy but also support to blockless verification [1]. B. Attribute Based Signature (ABS) In Attribute Based Signature, users have a complaint to server with a message. This complaint helps to know the user have authenticated access, without knowing user identity. Other users or the cloud can verify the user and the validity of the message stored. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & … 2020-1-11 · processes such as blockless verification, invisibility, and non-malleability were performed to ensure the security of the data storage. Cao, et al [12] designed a two-party preserving set intersection protocol for identifying and blocking the malicious users in cloud. Here, the functionalities of …