Windows 7阻止UDP广播消息 | 码农家园

I don't know which OS you're on but if you didn't configure these firewall rules yourself you might want to load those firewall settings on every startup. You gotta give some additional information on this, because the answer I gave you will solve your problem but won't help if there is an external program manipulating your firewall (e.g. a GUI The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is defined by IETF RFC768 . UDP - User Datagram Protocol. The second protocol used at the Transport layer is UDP. Application developers can use UDP in place of TCP. UDP is the scaled-down economy model and is considered a thin protocol. After the instance is created, you need to add a firewall rule to allow incoming UDP traffic on the port range 16384-32768. Testing the firewall After you have made the changes to you firewall settings, before proceeding to the installation, take a moment and test that you have configured the firewall to correctly forward the above connections Dec 14, 2017 · If you have a firewall and if you want traceroute to work from both machines (Unix/Linux and Windows) you will need to allow both protocols inbound through your firewall (UDP with ports from 33434 to 33534 and ICMP type 8)." NOTE: Traceroute (tracert) from Windows does not use UDP; it uses ICMP over IP by default.

Most often, this is TCP, UDP, or ICMP, but other protocols such as ESP, AH, and GRE are regularly encountered when dealing with VPNs. Confusion arises when a firewall administrator is unsure of what protocol to use. A rule set with TCP may not work because the application being filtered may actually use UDP instead. When in doubt, try using TCP

2020-3-3 · 设置TCP/UDP中转 首先需要先开放端口,比如开放一个8080端口(端口替换你需要开放的端口),执行下列命令,如已开放服务器全部端口可跳过这步: #开启TCP流量端口 firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent #开启UDP流量端口 firewall-cmd --add-port

Windows firewall settings to receive UDP and pings

What is Azure Firewall? | Microsoft Docs Network filtering rules for non-TCP/UDP protocols don't work with SNAT to your public IP address. Non-TCP/UDP protocols are supported between spoke subnets and VNets. Azure Firewall uses the Standard Load Balancer, which doesn't support SNAT for IP protocols today. We're exploring options to support this scenario in a future release.