Standard Washington State Hot Mix Asphalt Types

4 Chart 1: Recommended Mixes for Normal HMA Applications (Proposed compaction levels based on NCHRP 9-9 levels @ 4% Per Voids) Low Volume Design Level Recommended Aggregate Size Binder Type Compaction Level Compacted Thickness Surface 9.5mm PG64-22 50 gyrations 1.5” Base 12.5mm PG64-22 50 gyrations 2” 19mm PG64-22 50 gyrations 3” Chapter 620 Design of Pavement Structure Crushed Surfacing Top Course 2,850 1.43 3,700 1.85 Crushed Surfacing Base Course 2,950 1.48 3,700 1.85 Screened Gravel Surfacing 3,700 1.85 *Gravel Base 3,400 – 3,800 1.70 – 1.90 Permeable Ballast 2,800 1.40 *3,700 lb/cy (1.85 tons/cy) is recommended as the most suitable factor; however, if the Why Tracking Temperatures is Key to Successful Asphalt Nov 20, 2019 Highway engineering - Wikipedia A flexible pavement's surface layer is constructed of hot-mix asphalt (HMA).Unstabilized aggregates are typically used for the base course; however, the base course could also be stabilized with asphalt, Foamed Bitumen, Portland cement, or …

Sixth Edition 2019

Recycled HMA - Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry As a granular base course. As a fill or embankment material. Typically, RAP becomes the property of the contractor doing the work and is transported to a HMA plant or quarry where it is stored in a temporary stockpile for future use. RAP is usually screened and crushed before being included as … HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT DESIGN GUIDE

Base = 116 cu.yds.; asphalt pavement mixture = 151 tons A note about measuring areas of roadways with curves. When determining the area of a roadway with a curve it is important that the length be measured along the centerline of the road. By doing this the area is …

Hot Mix Asphalts 101 - New Jersey Types of HMA Mixtures • Dense-Graded (DGA) – Size evenly distributed from smallest to largest size (well-graded) • Open-Graded (or Uniformly-Graded) Friction Course (OGFC) – Primarily coarse aggregate with few fines • Stone Mastic (Matrix) Asphalt (SMA) – Mid-size aggregate missing or reduced Stone Matrix Asphalt Open Graded Friction Course Densities for Use in