Use higher verb, then? man 8 openvpn might help, too, I stopped at "verb 4" because it the highest level recommended for a production system.

If you run OpenVPN at –verb 4, you will see the message “Replay-window backtrack occurred [x]” every time the maximum sequence number backtrack seen thus far increases. This can be used to calibrate n. Openvpn --verb 4 is the recommended --verb setting to dubug general user problems. Having openvpn output the entire contents of all user private keys while running at --verb 4 is therefore a considerable threat to privacy, especially for an inexperienced user. Also, the Openvpn Forum is not ready for such a threat to user privacy. See the OpenVPN man page for additional info on verbosity levels. Command examples: verb 4 -- change the verb parameter to 4 mute -- show the current verb setting COMMAND -- version ----- Show the current OpenVPN and Management Interface versions. This causes such builds to lack parameter printing at --verb 4 which conflicts with the help output and configure text for enable_small. This is a particular issue for binary installations (Windows, or binary *nix distros.) status /var/log/openvpn-status-8888.log verb 4 client-to-client. keepalive 10 120 mute 50. #set the dns servers;push “dhcp-option DNS” time openvpn --test-crypto --secret /tmp/secret --verb 0 --tun-mtu 20000 --cipher aes-256-cbc. real 0m12.911s. user 0m12.807s. sys 0m0.040s. 3200/12.911 = 247.85 Mbps max throughput over OpenVPN. openvpn --genkey --secret /tmp/secret. time openvpn --test-crypto --secret /tmp/secret --verb 0 --tun-mtu 20000 --cipher aes-128-gcm. real 0m15.319s Anything above "verb 4" is expected never to be used in > production (and anything above "verb 6" is barely ever needed by folks > who aren't James), so you're waaay off debug-only, no-need-to-optimize > land by using verb 9.

verb 4 #Note : < explicit-exit-notify 2 > Some routers don't understand this command. In cases of doubt or if the configuration doesn't work, please remove this entry.] Please don’t simply copy this example for a server configuration might change after publishing this article. OpenVPN Keys

Description of problem: The openvpn update from 2.3 to 2.4 breaks my vpn server. After adjusting the configuration so that it works on 2.4.1, the update to 2.4.2 AGAIN breaks my server. What the heck is going on here? IMHO it is extremely bad taste to do these kinds of update within the same fedora release, it should have update compatibility. Additional Config: Go to the folder where you've extracted the downloaded configuration, right-click the 'openvpn.ovpn' file and open it with a TEXT editor (any text editor will do but WordPad displays the config. more clearly). - Once open, select the passage from 'resolv-retry infinite' to 'verb 4' and right-click > COPY the selected text (or The way I go about installing a new OVPN Server, is by grabbing the Ubuntu install script on OVPN Website click "Get OpenVPN" then click Ubuntu, it gives me an apt install script which I run and then gives me a local link to the WebUI. Back at the OVPN website, there is a link below the install script which shows the next steps and how to use

tls-server # server binding port port 12112 # openvpn protocol, could be tcp / udp / tcp6 / udp6 proto udp # tun/tap device dev tun0 # keys configuration, use generated keys ca example/ca.crt cert example/example.crt key example/example.key dh example/dh2048.pem # optional tls-auth key to secure identifying # tls-auth example/ta.key 0 # OpenVPN 'virtual' network infomation, network and mask

By default, log verbosity is set to verb=4. If the logs don't propagate, you can run this command to enable logging and output the logs to a file named openvpn.log located in /var/log/: openvpn --config client.ovpn --auth-retry interact --log /var/log/openvpn.log Description of problem: The openvpn update from 2.3 to 2.4 breaks my vpn server. After adjusting the configuration so that it works on 2.4.1, the update to 2.4.2 AGAIN breaks my server. What the heck is going on here? IMHO it is extremely bad taste to do these kinds of update within the same fedora release, it should have update compatibility. Additional Config: Go to the folder where you've extracted the downloaded configuration, right-click the 'openvpn.ovpn' file and open it with a TEXT editor (any text editor will do but WordPad displays the config. more clearly). - Once open, select the passage from 'resolv-retry infinite' to 'verb 4' and right-click > COPY the selected text (or The way I go about installing a new OVPN Server, is by grabbing the Ubuntu install script on OVPN Website click "Get OpenVPN" then click Ubuntu, it gives me an apt install script which I run and then gives me a local link to the WebUI. Back at the OVPN website, there is a link below the install script which shows the next steps and how to use